
Merida brave movie
Merida brave movie

merida brave movie

Master Archer: Merida is an extremely skilled archer and bowman who never misses a target and is also capable of using her bow and arrows in combat against much larger opponents such as Mor'du.In the end, her bond with her mother goes back to being what it once was, and Merida realizes that there is nothing better than being surrounded by someone she cares about and loves with all her heart. However, she always remains very protective of her family and her friends, as she attacks Mor'du alone. It also seems like she doesn't take responsibility, like when she doesn't claim that she is her fault if her mother turns into a bear. Merida however still remains protective of her mother, the night after the message received from the witch puts her under cover with wooden boards with the falling rain and dreams of the good memories with her that Elinor calmed her if she was afraid of something. However, as they grew up they separated because they did not agree at all with each other on the question of marriage. As a child, Merida was very attached to her mother and she loved the legends she told her. She also has a close bond with her younger siblings, Harris, Hubert and Hamish, (sometimes she even gives them sweets they want). However, she is also a bit like her mother, Queen Elinor, as she is stubborn and short-tempered in her virtues. She is very similar to her father, King Fergus, and also has a great bond with him, both of whom are rebellious and occitious. She is completely opposed to treatments and princess life, and even enjoys risking her life (sometimes) as she is seen when she ventures into nearby forests or when she climbs Megara Waterfall.

merida brave movie

She is actually one of the few Disney Princesses who use a weapon in their films. Instead of acting like a classic damsel in distress waiting for her prince charming, she prefers to behave like a brutal warrior with a conscience of sword fighting and bow-throwing arrows (where in that, she is the best in all of DunBroch). She is also used to bad habits and is also a bit of a tomboy. Merida is a brave, daring, adventurous, tenacious, determined, caring, selfless and sensitive young teenage girl, but also incredibly arrogant, stubborn, sarcastic, rebellious, cynical and against everything in her family.

Merida brave movie